Service should be about the customer, not the process. No matter how complex the request or situation. With Dynamic Case Management, complex processes and a changing environment go hand in hand. It ensures fast, personal, integrated and targeted handling of cases between your customers, employees and other stakeholders. That makes everyone happy, you and your customer.
Customers, citizens, business owners: they just want to be helped when they have a question or problem. From start to finish. For example, from the beginning of the purchase of a house to the final payment or when looking for an appropriate subsidy to the final determination. To help the customer with their question, they often go through several processes. A client does not want to experience that himself, he or she just wants to be helped. This is what we call personal service.
However, providing such personalized service is a challenge for most organizations. Dynamic Case Management makes personal service possible without casting the process in concrete from the outset. Here, the data the user enters in the file (case) is the basis for his or her process, making the process feel personal, like customization. Even if the situation or request is complex or it is still unclear which steps are needed to achieve the final goal.
The processes a customer goes through are transparent, uncluttered and tailored to their needs. Thus, only what is needed to deliver the customer's service or product needs to be asked. This ensures more satisfied customers who keep coming back.
Employees can see at a glance what the current status of a case is. Since all decisions are insightful, transparency and compliance with applicable laws and regulations is fully assured.
With DCM, users can create and maintain their own dynamic applications and rule-driven models to represent processes and decisions. This allows you to respond quickly to changes.
Unlike Business Process Modeling (BPM), Digital Process Automation (DPA) or any other way of streamlining processes, Dynamic Case Management focuses on the case. By the case, we mean your customer's case containing their question, such as a mortgage application or grant application. All the information needed to successfully complete this application is incorporated into this case.
The data from this case is combined with predefined rules, which determines what information is needed to help the customer move forward toward their goal and who could provide this information. When the data changes in the case, the tasks needed are determined again. Example: The task "review application" is available if the application is complete and not yet reviewed. And the task "send reminder" is available if no documents have been submitted 7 days before the deadline.
There are all kinds of processes, from complex to simple and from predictable to unpredictable. When processes contain unpredictable elements, Dynamic Case Management is the best fit. This is because with DCM, the order of a process does not depend on pre-made connections and conditions, but on the rules set. This allows processes to adapt according to the situation. Also, a user sees only the steps that are needed, which ensures orderly service delivery.
We see that in the realization of solutions, an arrangement based on Business Process Modeling (BPM) is often chosen. As long as processes are and remain predictable, this is a good match. But when processes become more unpredictable, the less suitable a solution based on BPM is. To deal with unpredictability, all possible variations of the process are built, making processes unmanageable. Or processes become so simplified that they no longer fit the customer's situation. The result is a cluttered solution that must be constantly adapted to keep up with the changing environment.
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The Blueriq PlatformBased on roles, involvement and responsibilities, a user can see only what is relevant to his work. For example, a handler can see all handled cases from his department, but cannot close his own work with a review. Everyone (who is allowed to see data) works from the same data from one case.
In a digital world, solutions are never finished. Laws or rules are constantly changing. Your solution must move with them. That is why it is necessary to keep improving continuously.
Within Dynamic Case Management, the route to the goal is not completely fixed. When rules change, the system can adapt to them and figure out the most efficient route to the goal with these new rules.
With our model-driven software, we connect to your improvement processes. If things need to be done differently today than they were thought of yesterday, they can be done tomorrow.
In a 5-part series, Academy Manager Menno Gülpers talks more about Dynamic Case Management. Because when is a case management system really dynamic? In this series, Menno writes about different perspectives and process models and how the case is truly central.
Read Part 1Contact Yuri for a free consultation. Then together we'll see how Dynamic Case Management can help you.