Blueriq Comply

For a grip on governance, risk and compliance

The correct and consistent implementation of policy, legislation and regulations. When these change on a regular basis: we understand that being and remaining compliant is no easy task. Especially when information is hidden in multiple applications and systems. With Blueriq Comply, we enable you to get a grip on governance, risk and compliance, by documenting legislation and regulations, decisions and assessment in a single central location. In doing so, we ensure you can comply with rules and legislation in a timely way, and update these quickly when necessary.

Prevents fines
Reduced turnaround times
Creates flexibility
Prevents fines
Reduced turnaround times
Creates flexibility

Blueriq Comply in practice

Many businesses have been affected by government measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Various schemes have been introduced to address this, such as the Compensation for Businesses in Affected Sectors (Tegemoetkoming Ondernemers Getroffen Sectoren COVID-19 (TOGS)) and the Compensation for Fixed Outgoings (Tegemoetkoming Vaste Lasten (TVL)). With the help of Blueriq, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, RVO) can quickly offer these schemes to businesses that need them.

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Traceable decision-making

Decisions can be fully traced back to the original sources and are compliant with the latest legislation. In every customer journey and in every process, countless decisions are made. These range from relatively simple matters, such as determining the time limit, to complex assessments. Consider, for example, the question as to whether the application should be approved. Underlying all these decisions are policy, legislation and rules. We enable you to make decisions traceable, and to make it clear how these decisions relate to legislation and regulations. We do this by modelling decisions as business rules. Together with your experts, we create a clear overview by documenting everything in a single location: in decision tables. We also map interdependency between rules and data in the same way. Paths to possible decisions are made clear, as well as an individual decision that’s been taken.

One system of truth

All information is clearly documented in a single location. This makes decision-making transparent and traceable.

Every decision is compliant

Thanks to easy-to-adjust and verifiable decision models. Changes in legislation and policy can immediately be applied in practice.

Transparant source

Because the source of automated rules, such as legislation or product policy, is immediately made clear in the application.

Our expertise and solutions

Thanks to our knowledge, expertise and solutions, we have become important partners particularly for banks, insurance companies, governmental agencies and software providers. Are you looking for a harmonised solution to tackle your challenges in the area of governance? With more than 25 years’ experience, we can translate legislation and regulations to your process and customer journeys, in an extremely short time frame. We’d be happy to explore the options with you.

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You're in good company

Want to know more about the options for your organisation?

Then contact Anita van Meer -  van Bokstel, expert by experience in gaining a grip on governance, risk and compliance.

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van Meer - van Bokstel
Business Line Manager