I (and my fellow trainers) am often asked about the differences between Blueriq and other modeling, low-code, no-code, and citizen development platforms. Sometimes it's about a specific platform, other times just a general comparison of Blueriq with all others. During Blueriq courses, this is, of course, a logical question, and I do my best to answer it as thoroughly as possible.
I deliberately avoid discussing what other platforms do or don't offer, and I also choose not to mention them by name. You probably know which ones I mean — and if not, that's fine too.
I focus on our strengths. Here we go:
Our rule engine influences everything. Of course, it helps model (primary) decisions in a structured, transparent, transferable, and maintainable way, perform calculations, assess risks, and derive products. But it also enables tailored dialogues with relevant questions that guide you toward the goal.
Other platforms can also perform calculations, but often in an imperative way (first do this, then that, 20 goto 10) rather than declaratively. The advantage of a declarative approach is that you only need to use models and an intuitive expression language to define the derivation. Blueriq takes care of determining when that derivation needs to be executed — and does it for you.
Many platforms offer Dynamic Case Management. Blueriq does too, but rule-driven. This means we continuously use our rule engine to determine what actions can be taken within a case — everything that brings the customer (or employee or intermediary) closer to the case's goal.
DCM in Blueriq doesn't involve endlessly modeling flowcharts but focuses on modeling decisions. Decisions about eligibility, product amounts, and durations. But also decisions about involvement, tasks, documents, authorization, and notifications — all rule-driven.
Blueriq doesn't have its own database. We want to be able to change our domain model quickly and frequently because laws, regulations, policies, and products often change, and we need to adapt easily. So, Blueriq isn't a system of record, CRM, or transactional system. We integrate with those external systems, preferably following the applicable standards.
To make our derivations, we retrieve information from these external systems, "do our thing," and once the customer's goal is achieved, we write the information back to those systems (or publish it). That said, I should clarify: our rule-driven case is stored along the way, so customers don't have to complete their request in a single session.
There are many more differences to highlight, especially when comparing Blueriq to various other platforms. But these are the three most important ones. For me — as someone passionate about complex decision-making, with a healthy aversion to drawing processes and not a big fan of SQL — these are more than enough reasons to keep choosing Blueriq!