Blueriq for insurance providers
Financial Services Blueriq for insurance providers

Blueriq for insurance providers

Whether it’s health insurance, life insurance or non-life insurance, few consumers have a genuine connection with their insurance provider. That’s also why consumers easily switch to a new provider. The image that consumers have of their insurance provider is determined by how they handle a claim, as well as the size of the insurance premium. While we can’t change the price, we can change the way in which claims are handled. That’s why we help organisations in the insurance sector handle these claims in a good, fast and personal way.

Client case study Nationale-Nederlanden

Nationale-Nederlanden (NN) is a financial service provider that offers insurance, pension and banking products. Within various departments of the company, we’ve helped NN achieve more efficient and customer-focused services.

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Updates in one central location

Customers expect their claims to be processed quickly. This sounds easy – and it is, when you work together in an integrated way. We bring all stakeholders and information together in one central location. This enables claims to be handled quickly, and customers and brokers have real-time insight. Assessments are traceable and policy, legislation and regulations only need to be updated in a single location.


STP handling of as many claims as possible

Go from A, via E and F, to Z, and skip all the interim steps. We make this possible with dynamic claim handling. This makes claims handling faster, easier and more personal, and an employee only gets involved when this is really necessary. Every claim that can be processed without intervention from an employee is handled STP. Experience has shown us that some 80% of claims can be handled STP, with the remaining 20% requiring the attention and expertise of your employees. This has a positive impact on the customer experience and leads to a significant reduction in the administrative burden within your organisation. It frees up space for tailored solutions, when the situation requires them.


Claims management for your organisation

Can we help you speed up your claims handling? We always start with your most valuable customer journey. This is one of the steps that we go through together to gain a clear picture of the challenges in your organisation. The steps that we follow have a dynamic sequence. We have more than 25 years’ experience in the financial sector and have worked for and with many different insurance providers. Thanks to this combination of knowledge and expertise, our working method and technology, you can experience the value of Blueriq for your organisation in an extremely short time frame.

Want to know more about the options for your organisation?

Then contact René Frankena. Make an appointment or get in touch with no obligation, via the button below

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